We have about finished version 1.5 of the rules.
We plan to release it before Christmas. Once completed they will be sent for free to subscribers.
New version will include also rules for artillery.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
ECW supplement out!
The ECW supplement is now available. It took some days extra, but now you can enjoy more fighting with S&R set in the English countryside of XVII Cent.
The supplement includes lists and special rules for Royalists, Parlamentarians, Covenanters and Montrose and in the future it will be followed by another supplement for the 30YW.
You can download it for free at THIS LINK (around 5MB)
in the picture Sir Richard Byron, ECW Governor of Newark. 28mm sized, sculpted by Mark Copplestone and available through North Star
The supplement includes lists and special rules for Royalists, Parlamentarians, Covenanters and Montrose and in the future it will be followed by another supplement for the 30YW.
You can download it for free at THIS LINK (around 5MB)
in the picture Sir Richard Byron, ECW Governor of Newark. 28mm sized, sculpted by Mark Copplestone and available through North Star
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
not so soon...
Well, we planned to release the ECW supplement before the end of September, but it has been a very busy period, with other projects that required priority.
So just a post to say that we have not forget about this release.
So just a post to say that we have not forget about this release.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Peninsular War AP Counters
From Spain some new AP Counters dedicated to the Peninsular War (2 French, 1 British and 1 Spanish)
Thursday, 20 September 2012
ECW supplement out soon!
Just a quick update to inform that the ECW supplement is at a good stage and will be released before the end of the month.
Here a preview of the "cover".
In the future a 30YW supplement will follow.
Here a preview of the "cover".
In the future a 30YW supplement will follow.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Next supplement?
A supplement dedicated to the English Civil War / 30 Years War is on the workbench.
It will provide a useful guide for Renaissance armies in general.
Keep tuned!
It will provide a useful guide for Renaissance armies in general.
Keep tuned!
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
ACW AP counter
You can download a ACW AP Counter for Smooth&Rifled at this blog

Friday, 13 July 2012
Rules for artillery under test

They will be included, along with machine guns, in version 1.5 of the rules, possibly out by September (free for subscribers).
Friday, 6 July 2012
AWI supplement released
We are happy to announce that the American Revolution supplement for Smooth&Rifled is now available and can be downloaded for free at this LINK
Monday, 2 July 2012
American Revolution out soon
The supplement dedicated to the American War of Independence will be released in the next days.
Keep tuned!!
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
French version released
The French version of S&R has been released.
It has been sent to all our French customers as well as Canadians and Belgian with a French surname :-)
If you have not received it give a check in your spam folder and in case write to us at dadiepiombo AT libero DOT it
It has been sent to all our French customers as well as Canadians and Belgian with a French surname :-)
If you have not received it give a check in your spam folder and in case write to us at dadiepiombo AT libero DOT it
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Version française de Smooth&Rifled
Nous vous annonçons la sortie imminente de la version française de Smooth&Rifled. Elle sera proposée gratuitement aux joueurs français ayant acheté la version anglaise de la règle.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
The Black Corsair
A new free supplement of Smooth&Rifled, dedicated to the Black Corsair.
"The Black Corsair" is an 1898 adventure novel written by Italian novelist Emilio Salgari and set in the Caribbean during the golden age of piracy.
Of course you can use these stats and special rules for any other pirate setting!
You can download The Black Corsair supplement at this LINK
"The Black Corsair" is an 1898 adventure novel written by Italian novelist Emilio Salgari and set in the Caribbean during the golden age of piracy.
Of course you can use these stats and special rules for any other pirate setting!
You can download The Black Corsair supplement at this LINK
Monday, 21 May 2012
Spanish and Portuguese lists

It is dedicated to Spanish and Portuguese troops.
You can download it at this LINK
Friday, 4 May 2012
Napoleonic supplement updated

A second Napoleonic supplement, dedicated to the Peninsula, is on the workbench.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Darkest Africa supplement!
In the Dark Continent, the "Darkest Africa" supplement for S&R, is now available.
It features 7 lists: Masai or Ngoni, African Warlords, Azande, Zanzibaris, Jungle Cannibal Tribes, Pygmies and the European Explorers and Slave Traders.
Have fun!
It features 7 lists: Masai or Ngoni, African Warlords, Azande, Zanzibaris, Jungle Cannibal Tribes, Pygmies and the European Explorers and Slave Traders.
Have fun!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
ACW lists updated
ACW lists have been updated.
Changes are:
1) Sharpshooters now get the characteristic "Skirmishers" at +2 per figure.
2) Dismounted Cavalry now get characteristic "Skirmishers", but at no extra cost.
Union dismounted cavalry (28mm Foundry, painted by Hussar Bob)
Changes are:
1) Sharpshooters now get the characteristic "Skirmishers" at +2 per figure.
2) Dismounted Cavalry now get characteristic "Skirmishers", but at no extra cost.
Union dismounted cavalry (28mm Foundry, painted by Hussar Bob)
Monday, 16 April 2012
FIW and ZULU supplements updated
French and Indian War and Zulu War supplements have been updated according to the latest version of the Addenda.
Here the changes:
Zulu War
a) Zulus get the characteristic "Fast Mob" at +2pts per figure
b) British Lights cannot be all upgraded to Marksmen. The upgrade can be applied to up to 2 figures only.
c) Boers get the characteristic "Skirmishers" at +2 pts per figure.
French and Indian War
a) British Lights and Les Compagnies Franches de la Marine and get the characteristic "Light" at +3pts per figure.
b) Rangers, Courer du Bois and Indians get the characteristic "Skirmishers" at +2 pts per figure.
Here the changes:
Zulu War
a) Zulus get the characteristic "Fast Mob" at +2pts per figure
b) British Lights cannot be all upgraded to Marksmen. The upgrade can be applied to up to 2 figures only.
c) Boers get the characteristic "Skirmishers" at +2 pts per figure.
French and Indian War
a) British Lights and Les Compagnies Franches de la Marine and get the characteristic "Light" at +3pts per figure.
b) Rangers, Courer du Bois and Indians get the characteristic "Skirmishers" at +2 pts per figure.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Updated version of the "Addenda"
An updated version of the Addenda has been uploaded.
It includes more details on the special characteristics "Lights" and "Skirmishers" and adds a new one: "Fast Mob". Yes your Zulus will be faster now!
Groups can now go faster in difficult terrain if in column (and even faster if lead by a Scout!).
In the next days there will be a general revision of the lists as these new characteristics will be added to some of the Units.
See the previous post for the LINKS to download the new file
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Smooth&Rifled addenda
Smooth&Rifled addenda is a document that collects clarifications and additional rules for version 1.0 of Smooth&Rifled.
You can download it at THIS LINK
E' disponibile un file che raccoglie chiarificazioni e integrazioni della versione 1.0 del regolamento. La versione italiana di questo file può essere scaricata QUI
You can download it at THIS LINK
E' disponibile un file che raccoglie chiarificazioni e integrazioni della versione 1.0 del regolamento. La versione italiana di questo file può essere scaricata QUI
Thursday, 22 March 2012
New tool
This is simple tool to keep track of your Activation Points.
Just download and print it. The pdf is A4 format and includes 2 "counters".
Keeping track of remaing APs with this may prove faster than use the dice.
You can download the counter HERE
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Thursday, 1 March 2012
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Thursday, 16 February 2012
Napoleonic supplement now available!
The Napoleonic supplement is now available!
You can download it for free at this LINK
It includes lists for France, Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain.
In a future supplement we will publish lists for other countries, including Spain and Portugal.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Zulu and Napoleonic supplements out soon
The Zulu War supplement is about ready and it will be released on friday.
It will also include lists suitable for the first Boer War.
We are at good stage also with the Napoleonic supplement that will follow next week with lists for France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain and Spain. Keep tuned!
It will also include lists suitable for the first Boer War.
We are at good stage also with the Napoleonic supplement that will follow next week with lists for France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain and Spain. Keep tuned!
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Usuthu! Zulu Wars supplement out soon
Keep tuned, as the Anglo-Zulu war supplement will be released in the next days.
It will include stats both for Unmarried and Married Zulu, British line, Rifles, Highlanders, Nathal Native Horse, Lancers... as well as special rules for the period.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Garibaldi's lists updated
The supplement dedicated to the Expedition of the Thousand, led by Garibaldi in south Italy in 1860, has been revised and updated.
The supplement has now the same format of other supplements released so far.
Free download at this LINK
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
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