
Thursday, 16 February 2012

Napoleonic supplement now available!

The Napoleonic supplement is now available!
You can download it for free at this LINK

It includes lists for France, Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain.
In a future supplement we will publish lists for other countries, including Spain and Portugal.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Zulu War supplement out!

As promised the Zulu War supplement is now available.

You can download the PDF HERE

Have fun!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Zulu and Napoleonic supplements out soon

The Zulu War supplement is about ready and it will be released on friday.
It will also include lists suitable for the first Boer War.

We are at good stage also with the Napoleonic supplement that will follow next week with lists for France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain and Spain. Keep tuned!
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