
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

ECW supplement out!

The ECW supplement is now available. It took some days extra, but now you can enjoy more fighting with S&R set in the English countryside of XVII Cent.

The supplement includes lists and special rules for Royalists, Parlamentarians, Covenanters and Montrose and in the future it will be followed by another supplement for the 30YW.

You can download it for free at THIS LINK (around 5MB)

in the picture Sir Richard Byron, ECW Governor of Newark. 28mm sized, sculpted by Mark Copplestone and available through North Star

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

not so soon...

Well, we planned to release the ECW supplement before the end of September, but it has been a very busy period, with other projects that required priority.
So just a post to say that we have not forget about this release.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Peninsular War AP Counters

From Spain some new AP Counters dedicated to the Peninsular War (2 French, 1 British and 1 Spanish)
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