SPAM stands for Siam Pronti Alla Morte (We're Ready to Die, from the Italian national anthem) and it is a kind of basic/beta version of Smooth&Rifled.
Rules are simplified but give an idea of the mechanics of game.
SPAM will be available in the forthcoming issue 45 of Dadi&Piombo (out in around a week) and for those who are not interested in purchasing the magazine, the pages of the rules will also be available as a separate pdf (at 3.5 euros).

Though written for the Italian Wars of Independence (Risorgimento), SPAM works for about every other 18th-19th Cent. conflict, once you have the right troop statistics.
The release of this playable "draft" is to allow us to share the general mechanics of the game so that we can develop it also with your help, above all for the making of the lists. Contributes are very welcome in the FORUM.
Keep tuned. SPAM will be available very soon!