
Saturday, 21 December 2013

The War of 1812 supplement relased

The War of 1812 can now be played with Smooth&Rifled.

You can download the free supplement at this LINK

Have fun!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Seminole War supplement out!

As promised the Seminole War supplement is now available.
Free download at this link

Have fun!

(in the picture a Seminole warrior from Warlord Games, painted by LuiFe Garcia. This is actually from their French and Indian War range, but most figures can also work for the XIX Cent. Seminole wars)

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Supplements to come

We will release in the next weeks 3 new free supplements for S&R: The War of 1812, The Indian Mutiny and the Seminole Wars. Keep tuned!

Saturday, 22 June 2013

French version 1.5 released

French version (1.5) is now available. All future French speaking subscribers will receive this edition from now. We have sent to French subscribers the new version, but only to those with .fr in their e-mail address. Please contact us at dadiepiombo AT libero DOT it  if you have not received the file (also check in the spam folder).

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

French version

We are finishing the layout of the French version.
It will be available in the next days.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Turbulent and Bloody Texas

A new exciting supplement for Smooth&Rifled.
Turbulent and Bloody Texas has been compiled by Brian Brindle and can be used to cover many sets:

US Army vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches )
US Army vs Confederates (Civil war Battles in Texas)
US Army vs Outlaws
US Army vs Mexican Banditos
Confederates vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches)
Confederates vs Outlaws
Texas Rangers vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches)
Texas Rangers vs Mexican Army
Texas Rangers vs Outlaws
Texas Rangers vs Mexican Banditos
Texas soldiers vs Mexican Army (Alamo type scenario)
Sheriff ’s Posse vs Outlaws
Sheriff ’s Posse vs vs Mexican Banditos
Sheriff ’s Posse vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches)
Comanches vs Apaches (Inter-Indian)

It also allows many historically possible skirmishes a few of the examples are:
Confederates vs Mexican Army
US Army vs Texas Rangers
Outlaws vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches)
Mexican Banditos vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches)
Mexican Army vs Indians (Comanches or Apaches)

The supplement can be downloaded for free at this

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Version 1.5 released

Version 1.5 of Smooth&Rifled has been released.
It has been sent to all customerrs who purchased version 1.0
New customers will receive directly version 1.5.

If you have not received the file, please check in the spam folder. If it is not there, you can contact us at dadiepiombo AT libero DOT it.

We will release also the French version, but be patient. We also plan to make a Spanish one.

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