
Monday, 26 October 2015

Some updates

We are testing (with great fun) Lords&Dragons, the fantasy version of Lords&Servants. Here a preview of the cover.
It could be released in the next months (Summer 2016?).

By February 2016 we plan to release a second edition of Lords&Servants, of course all supporting customers will receive it for free (also through Wargames Vault).
We plan also to make a printed version.

As for supplements we have been busy with the release of Baroque, but before the end of the year the 100YW supplement will be released. Crusades and XV Century Condottieri will follow by early 2016.

Monday, 12 October 2015

New website for Dadi&Piombo

In the next hours we will upload the new website for Dadi&Piombo. As a consequence some pdf will be no available for some hours (the time to fix the new links). Most S&R supplements are anyway downloadable from Wargames Vault.

100 Years War supplement

We are working on the 100 Years War supplement for Lords&Servants. Keep tuned!

Friday, 15 May 2015

The book of Scenarios

The Book of Scenarios is a PDF (24 pages) with 10 generic scenarios for Lords&Servants.
Raiding a campsite or a village, conquering a bridge, protect your king will be just some of the missions you have to complete.

Available at just 0.99 USD through Wargames Vault
Direct Link

Thursday, 16 April 2015

The Crimean War

A new supplement for Smooth&Rifled

Free download at THIS LINK (Wargames Vault)

Monday, 30 March 2015

Lords&Servants demo

A couple of shots from Lords&Servants game staged at Hellana 2015 (Italy) and prized as the best participation game. 28mm FireForge painted by Max Campanini. Buildings from 4 Ground.

Monday, 9 February 2015

The 1066 out!

The 1066 supplement is now available through Wargames Vault (free download).


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The 1066

In a few days we will release the first supplement for Lords&Servants.
The 1066 will include lists for Normans, Anglo Danish and Vikings as well as special rules on the shieldwall.

Available for free from Wargames Vault.

Monday, 5 January 2015


Due to the new European rules on VAT (google EUVAT to know more) we no longer sell directly our digital products outside Italy. They are anyway available through Wargames Vault.

The new EUVAT, intended to affect big companies, is actually causing a big damage to small companies that sell digital products.

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